< from > ^/article.asp\?id=(.*)$ </ from >
< to type ="redirect" > /entry/$1.jhtml </ to >
</ rule >
后来看3.0的manual (http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/manual/3.0/)才发现原来是这个的问题。
<urlrewrite> element
The top level element.
Attribute Possible Value Explanationdefault-match-type (optional) |
regex (default) | All rules and thier conditions will be processed using the Java Regular Expression engine (unless match-type is specified on a rule). |
wildcard | All rules and thier conditions will be processed using the Wildcard Expression engine (unless match-type is specified on a rule). |
decode-using (optional) |
utf8 (default) | When URL is decoded UTF-8 will be used. |
null | Do not decode. | |
[encoding] | Any string representing a supported character encoding eg, ISO-8859-1. See Java Charset Object for more info. | |
use-query-string (optional) |
false (default) | The query string will not be appended to the url that the "from" element matches against. |
true | The query string will be appended to the url that the "from" element matches against. | |
use-context (optional) |
false (default) | The context path will not be added to the url that the "from" element matches against. |
true | The context path will be added to the url that the "from" element matches against. |
就是那个use-query-string 的问题,默认的是不使用query-string就是把?后面的都忽略了。所以就不能匹配到了。只要在<urlrewrite>里面加一个属性就可以了。
</ urlrewrite >